How people work in groups, and how decisions are made and acted on, intrigues us.
We use a toolkit of different techniques to understand how to get everyone engaged, and then move the group on at the right pace.
We aim to keep everyone focused on the required outcome, and how the outcome will be implemented through an Action Plan.
“Sango has made a big difference to the way I approach problems: to the way I think, the way I analyse and especially the way I communicate. Notably in a group situation, which often arises as the front-end of a project as we seek to understand what really is going on, Steve delves to reveal and unerringly homes in on the real driver(s) by methodically and often, fearlessly, challenging underlying beliefs. No elephant is safe. However he does carefully and sensitively, in a way that does not seek to isolate or embarrass.
Steve is skilful at extracting seemingly random data and codifying this in a way that pulls together across different divisions and disciplines to create something useful, usuable and fundamental as a basis of taking things forward.
His enquiring mind and ability to get on with people enables him to go wide and deep into an organisation gaining a clear understanding of the underlying organisational dynamics, all of this meaning, in a nutshell, that you want him on your side!”